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  • What is Meniere’s Research Australia? 

MRA is a group that supports Meniere's Research in Australia by either assisting researchers in the project development phase, or disseminating results or opportunities. The common goal with the researchers is working towards a treatment that works for everyone. 

  • Is Meniere's Research Australia a social network for people with Meniere’s disease?  

 No. MRA is about research. However, there are many such networks already available: Google “Meniere’s Disease” and you will see many Facebook groups available to join or follow, or perhaps there are community groups where you live that meet up in person. Reach out.

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  • What is Meniere’s Disease? 

Meniere's disease is a disorder of the inner ear that causes severe dizziness, tinnitus, and hearing loss. There are many great resources available on the internet that explain this disease: 

Meniere’s disease | healthdirect

What is Meniere's disease / syndrome? | Ménière’s Society (

Ménière’s Disease - Vestibular Disorders Association

Meniere's Disease: Symptoms, Causes, Tests, Surgery, and Treatment (

  • Who should I see in my area to get help for my symptoms or a diagnosis? 

 We recommend going to your doctor to ask for recommendations. 

  • Is my Meniere's disease experience the same as other sufferers? 

 That's a good question. Besides researching your symptoms, we suggest you join social media groups and talk to other people who also have Meniere’s Disease. 

  • Is the Meniere’s Research Australia organisation transparent? 


  • Can I Join Meniere’s Research Australia? 

Currently, we are not recruiting MRA members at the moment. However, this is likely to change. Please contact us if you would like to register your interest to join the MRA team.

  • How can I support Meniere's Research Australia, or Meniere's Researchers?

By donating to our cause to find a treatment that works.


Curtin University 

To support Daniel Brown’s research in Meniere’s Disease, please contact Head of Advancement Health Sciences Fabienne Vonarburg


Macquarie University

To support Macquarie University research in Meniere's disease, click on this link and choose 'select an area of my choice', in the drop down menu go to MQ Health and tick the box 'Meniere's Research Fund'.


Sydney University 

Information links coming soon.


#MenieresResearchGivingDay  May 8

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  • How can I help Meniere's Research Australia, or Meniere's Researchers?

Hold a Meniere's Morning Tea to fundraise.

Create a fundraiser. 

Become a Meniere's Research Australia Ambassador. 

Give on #MenieresResearchGivingDay  May 8.

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